Building a better future as a network
Building better futures – based on this motto, the PATRIZIA Foundation has now been bringing people together for 25 years, offering the children around the world the keys to a brighter future. PATRIZIA KinderHaus facilities also stand centre stage at our events, because we want education to offer children and young people the chance to enjoy a life of self-determination.
But doing good for others works on many levels. Knowing we have the support of a strong community of donors also helps us implement our projects, simultaneously offering genuine benefit to our donors and sponsors. To strengthen this community, we set up the IMPACT Circle.

As a member, you and one accompanying person can take part in our exclusive networking events, which bring together sponsors and partners from the PATRIZIA world.
“Children worldwide receive your effective help and you can be sure: 100% of your donation will go to our projects.”
Wolfgang Egger
Founder of the PATRIZIA Foundation
Become part of the network
As a member of the IMPACT Circle, you and a person of your choice can take part in our exclusive networking events, which bring together a variety of our sponsors and, among others, the business partners of PATRIZIA AG.
By making a voluntary annual donation of €12,000, you can become a member of our IMPACT Circle, either as a business leader or as a private individual. All annual donations go towards the KinderHaus facility that is currently in most need of support. For you as a member, this is like standing at the children’s side as a reliable and important partner.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Glad you were there…

Sponsor Circle event for networking and exchange
On 23.11.2023, a huge thank you and appreciation for our sponsors, who are members of the Sponsor Circle, was the focus of the event…

Sponsor Circle Event for the S in ESG
The foundation network met at the PATRIZIA SE premises under the motto “Make the world a little better with social commitment”….

Digital learning project launched in Kenya
PATRIZIA Foundation supports the digitalisation of schools worldwide. After pilot projects in Cameroon, Nepal and Rwanda…

Education for the smart city of tomorrow
Smart Cities and Social Care: This was the motto of the theme evening on June first 2022 at the NEXT500 Pavilion on Augsburg’s Rathausplatz…

Volunteering and sustainability
On February 10, the first Sponsor Circle event of 2022 took place. Around 30 sponsors and guests took part in the virtual event …

Special Moment: Charity meets Art
Enjoying art, exchanging ideas and doing good: On 15 July 2021, a special PATRIZIA Foundation event took place in Frankfurt. The exclusive members…

Get together in virtual meetings
The first virtual Sponsor Circle eventOur first virtual Sponsor Circle event was titled ‘Hope and Trust – A Way Out of the Crisis’. The 45-minute…

Walking with the PATRIZIA Foundation
This year’s annual walk took place on 24 and 25 September. It was an ideal occasion for members of the Sponsor Circle to spend a day in the…

Meet & Greet with the PATRIZIA Management
Last autumn there was a short interlude between lockdowns that allowed us to stage events again for our Sponsor Circle members. We were even able to go hiking together and invite our sponsors to dinner…

First summer party of the PATRIZIA Foundation
On July 9, the PATRIZIA Foundation invited Sponsor Circle Members, PATRIZIAns and friends of the Foundation to attend a summer party on the roof terrace of the PATRIZIA AG in Augsburg…

7th PATRIZIA Charity Golf Cup
The annual PATRIZIA Charity Golf Cup took place end of June for the benefit of the PATRIZIA Foundation and – as almost every year – was accompanied by bright sunshine…

Norton Rose Fulbright´s charity cooking event
Another Sponsor Circle member of the PATRIZIA Foundation was very active in May: Norton Rose Fulbright gathered its business partners, customers and friends for a charity cooking event…

Charity Dinner with Clifford Chance and Deloitte
An international team for the first time: The PATRIZIA Foundation organized, together with the Sponsor Circle members Clifford Chance and Deloitte, a charity dinner…

Pre-Opening PATRIZIA Partners & Friends Night
We celebrate 20 years of PATRIZIA Foundation. A nice occasion to invite our Sponsor Circle members to the pre-opening of the PATRIZIA Partners & Friends Night…

K&L Gates Charity Event in May 2019
Our Sponsor Circle member K&L Gates invited selected guests to an exclusive piano concert in the Villa Liebermann located directly at the Wannsee on 7 of May 2019…

The PATRIZIA Foundations Spring Brunch 2019
The spring brunch in Hamburg kicked off a series of sponsorship events on March 20, 2019. In addition to representatives of the PATRIZIA Foundation…
Sandra von Waldenfels
Donor Relations & Services
Tel .: +49 821 509 10-157