Education is everyone’s right.
Every morning when Nima starts her 45-minute walk through the mountains of Nepal to PATRIZIA School Dhoksan, there’s a smile on her face. Nima knows that for her and her family, this is a golden opportunity to break out of the vicious circle of poverty.
Education, health care and welfare are the keys to a better life, the basis of long-term human development – not only from a political standpoint, but also in social, cultural and economic terms. Education adds value for generations. Nima is just one of a very small number of children who receive the chance to enjoy an education.
Worldwide, more than 258 million children are unable to attend school. Our goal at the PATRIZIA Foundation is to make it possible for children and young adults to receive education, health care and welfare. All over the world. You can also help us achieve this.
Of every donated euro goes into our projects. This is because all administrative costs are paid for by PATRIZIA SE.
All projects and partnerships are set up to run for at least 25 years to ensure every invested euro has a lasting impact.
We conduct all our projects and partnerships on an eye-level basis, focusing on respect and effective cooperation.
Chamonix Adventure challenge
For the fourth year in a row, the PATRIZIA Hiking Challenge will take place in support of the PATRIZIA Foundation. From September 15th to 18th, 2024, we’ll embark on a two-day hike through the heart of Europe.
Over the past three years, we’ve raised over €360,000 for projects in Uganda, Tanzania, and Peru – thanks to numerous supporters and sponsors.
Our ambitious goal for 2024 is to raise €200,000 for the PATRIZIA School Bafia in Central Cameroon. Learn more and support us on our Hiking Challenge info page!

Hearts4Change: Education that comes from the heart
With Hearts4Change, we have created an extraordinary campaign with the help of which we want to open up access to education, health care and welfare for a total of one million children by 2030. Having already reached our first milestone of over 750,000 children, the proceeds from the campaign will go towards realising this ambitious vision.
Through your support of Hearts4Change, you are a true “person of the heart” for us. Your donation, regardless of the amount, symbolises your commitment to the future of children and our special initiative.
Ambassadors of Hearts4Change

Mario Götze
Athlete and business angel

Eva Weber
Mayor of Augsburg

Sandra Peetz-Rauch
Chairwoman of the Board of Stadtsparkasse Augsburg

Halil Altintop
Former sporting director FC Bayern Campus
Our projects

PATRIZIA Vocational Training Center Ntarama, Rwanda
In 2008 the PATIZIA Children Foundation, in cooperation with the Gruenhelme e.V., built a rooming house for young people at the “Nelson Mandela Education Center for Apprentices (NMEC)”. The new dormitory is directly adjacent the vocational school for 800 pupils in Ntarama, south of Rwanda’s capital Kigali.

PATRIZIA School Buyamba, Uganda
The completely inadequate temporary school of the St. Francis primary school in poor Buyamba was in desperate need of renovation when the PATRIZIA Foundation and Gruenhelme e.V. tackled the project: over the course of several years old parts were renovated and new ones added.

PATRIZIA School Sondoveni, Peru
In 2014, the PATRIZIA Foundation along with its Peruvian project partner Creciendo and students from the University of Stuttgart established a secondary school in Sondoveni in the Peruvian province of Satipo. Sondoveni is a village with around 80 families. It lies in the middle of the rainforest of the South American state, about four hours away from the capital Lima.

PATRIZIA School Syangeni, Kenya
In 2017, the PATRIZIA Foundation, together with Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V., built a new primary school in Syangeni, Kenya. Additionally, an administration building and a sanitary building were constructed. A new water tank ensures a sufficient supply of drinking water for the school.

PATRIZIA Child Care Porayar, India
The PATRIZIA Foundation has opened a building in southern India to provide much needed accommodation for girls in need. The new building at the PATRIZIA Child Care in Porayar houses 240 girls aged between five and 17. They all come from poor and difficult family backgrounds. Many are half or full orphans.

PATRIZIA School Dhoksan, Nepal
In 2012, the PATRIZIA School Dhoksan in the Nepalese mountain village of Dhoksan opened for primary school classes 1 to 5. It survived the severe earthquake in the South Asian landlocked state in 2015 almost unscathed and even served as emergency accommodation for some families for four months. In 2019 the primary school was expanded so that children can now attend school up to grade eight.

PATRIZIA Vocational Training Center Alego, Kenya
The PATRIZIA Foundation Training Center opened in 2018 in Alego, Kenya, offers disadvantaged children and adolescents a wide range of educational opportunities. This place has a special meaning for the Obama family.

PATRIZIA School Peramiho, Tanzania
In 2017, the PATRIZIA Foundation built a new building with accommodations next to the Girls Secondary School of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing. The girls’ school is the first in the region and is located in the Tanzanian city of Peramiho.

PATRIZIA School Yaoundé, Cameroon
The PATRIZIA Foundation built the PATRIZIA School Yaoundé in 2016 together with the Pallottines as their partner organisation in Yaoundé. The city is the capital of the Central African country of Cameroon and with around 2.5 million inhabitants the largest city in the country. The secondary school with 21 classrooms is directly connected to a kindergarten, a primary school and the parish of the Pallottines.

PATRIZIA School Harare, Zimbabwe
The PATRIZIA School Harare in Zimbabwe’s capital of the same name is a good example of how national and international cooperation with select partners works: In 2016, the Rising Star school in the Hopley settlement was opened. After extensions in 2017 and 2018, the school already consists of seven buildings. The third construction began in May 2019.

PATRIZIA Child Therapy Augsburg, Germany
In 2015, the Ziegelhof therapy centre was established in the Stadtbergen district of Augsburg. Here, children and adolescents are treated curatively or therapeutically and cared for together with their families. In addition to conversational, ergotherapy and art therapies, the focus is on working with animals.

PATRIZIA Child Care Songea, Tanzania
For the 15th anniversary of the foundation in 2014, the PATRIZIA Foundation has opened its second facility in East African Tanzania, the children’s home PATRIZIA Child Care Songea. The first is the children’s hospital PATRIZIA Children Hospital in Peramiho.

PATRIZIA Child Care Augsburg, Germany
The PATRIZIA Child Care Augsburg was established in Augsburg in 2013 and serves as a bilingual day care centre. “Hallo and hello”: German and English are spoken here.

PATRIZIA Child Care Western Cape, South Africa
The three Educare Centres belonging to the PATRIZIA Child Care Western Cape are operated by our local partner Thembalitsha Foundation. They offer a high-quality early childhood education to more than 140 children.

PATRIZIA Aftercare Hamburg, Germany
PATRIZIA Aftercare Hamburg is an aftercare centre for severely and chronically ill children built in 2008. The PATRIZIA Foundation erected it together with the “Stiftung Familienorientierte Nachsorge Hamburg SeeYou”. It relieves the burden on the directly adjacent Catholic Children’s Hospital Wilhelmstift.

PATRIZIA Aftercare Munich, Germany
The aftercare centre built at the Third Order Hospital in Munich in 2006 based on the model of the “Stiftung bunter Kreis” is dedicated to seriously and chronically ill children. The aim of PATRIZIA Aftercare Munich is to close the gap between medical help, and the care for children within the family.

PATRIZIA Children Hospital Peramiho, Tanzania
The Children Hospital Peramiho is the first project of the PATRZIA Foundation: Together with the local Benedictine order, the foundation opened a children’s hospital in Peramiho, in southwestern Tanzania, in 2002.
Ready for the future
To ensure children even have access to education, health care and welfare in times of crisis, an innovative digitalisation project is currently being implemented. This is where our project currently stands in three pilot countries: Cameroon, Nepal and Rwanda. In all three countries we are implementing our ‘ready for the future’ concept. Later on down the line the concept will be used in as many places as possible at PATRIZIA Foundation KinderHaus facilities.
With your support, we can implement all kinds of similar projects and ensure that even more children and young people receive education, health care and welfare– at all times.
Your company for education worldwide
Together with small and large partners from the business world, we implement exciting educational projects around the world and give local people the basis for a self-determined life. Let’s work together to create educational infrastructures where they are needed most.
With its Kinderhaus facilities, the PATRIZIA Foundation offers companies various opportunities to implement comprehensive ESG strategies. We would be happy to work with you to find a project that suits your company.

We would like to thank our supporters and partners:

Successful partnerships with local organisations
For 25 years, the PATRIZIA Foundation has been setting up educational infrastructure where it is needed most. The key expertise of the foundation lies in planning and building schools, shelters and medical facilities. All projects are organised and run in close cooperation with local partners. Every PATRIZIA KinderHaus facility is operated by our partners for at least 25 years. This is because we want to make a difference in the long term and foster the development of independent communities.
This also ensures your donation has an impact today and in the future.

Stories of change
The PATRIZIA Foundation has been able to tell over 750.00 tales of happy children and young people since it was set up in 1999 – stories about children who received an education, health care and welfare thanks to the facilities supported by the foundation, also opening the doors of opportunity to a life of self-determination.
You can also help the PATRIZIA Foundation write more stories of change!
You too can write stories of change together with the PATRIZIA Foundation!
Hearts4Change – education from heart
Learn more
Benefit concert with the Domspatzen
On 16 December 2023, we cordially invite you to the Frauenfriedenskirche in Frankfurt am Main for a musical evening with the Regensburger Domspatzen. Experience an unforgettable benefit concert with the world-famous boys’ choir!
Learn more
Successful Charity run for Cameroon
The PATRIZIA Foundation’s third Remote Run raised through 148 participants
2737 euros for the construction of a playground for the PATRIZIA School Youndé. A great success for building a new playground. The children can now also learn through play.
Learn more
When the foundation told us about the PATRIZIA school in Sondoveni, we knew immediately that we wanted this to become our first CSR project and give the access to education for children worldwird
Hendrik von Paepcke
CEO, apoproject
Raising funds for the PATRIZIA Foundation is the cherry on the cake. It’s what motivated me to take part in the Lake District Challenge.
When this war broke out, it was clear to me that #patriziaride 2022 must raise money to alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people. Especially the children need our support now.
Transparency at the PATRIZIA Foundation