More than 25 Years of Foundation

The Foundation, which operates internationally, is committed to improving the education of children and young people worldwide. In the video message, Wolfgang Egger, initiator of the Foundation as well as of PATRIZIA SE, shares his joy about more than 25 wonderful years of foundation work with the whole foundation familiy, recalls its beginnings and announces some new projects.

“Our goal is that through education children everywhere can find their own way to enjoy a self-determined future. We are pursuing this aim with everything we have,” says Wolfgang Egger. This approach is still valid.

Peramiho PATRIZIA Krankenhaus - gespiegelt

5he PATRIZIA Foundation was established in 1999 as the PATRIZIA KinderHaus Stiftung. More than 25 years and 25 PATRIZIA KinderHaus facilities later, the foundation’s work is bearing fruit all over the world in accordance with the foundation’s motto: Building the future together.

The story of the PATRIZIA Foundation

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all partner organizations, supporters and friends of the foundation and dedicated PATRIZIAner, without whom the successful work within the Foundation is not possible! Wolfgang Egger emphasizes: “We are a family business, we work together with our partners for many years and invest in the long term. As with PATRIZIA’s core business through real estate investments, the foundation is about Social Impact Investments – for children around the world.”