Our Sponsor Circle member K&L Gates invited selected guests to an exclusive piano concert in the Villa Liebermann located directly at the Wannsee on 7 of May 2019. Pianist Andreas Weimer took the guests on a musical world tour, and a total of 25,000 euros in donations for the PATRIZIA Foundation were raised.

The law firm K&L Gates had extended an invitation and more than 30 customers, partners and friends came. Together with the pianist Andreas Weimer the guests went on a musical world tour. The evening was a inspiring mixture of exciting stories from the lives of various composers and news on the projects of the PATRIZIA Foundation. The magical Villa Liebermann provided the perfect setting for the charitable and relaxed evening.

The entire donation flows into the Nepal school project 

The result of the evening is something to be proud of: Our Sponsor Circle member K&L Gates was able to achieve the substantial amount of 25,000 euros for the foundation. The entire sum will be donated to the PATRIZIA School in Dhoksan, Nepal.

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. Almost every second adult cannot read or write properly. With its projects, the PATRIZIA Foundation helps children and adolescents around the world to get a school education and a perspective for the future.
