We celebrate 20 years of PATRIZIA Foundation. A nice occasion to invite our Sponsor Circle members to the pre-opening of the PATRIZIA Partners & Friends Night. On May 21, the evening before the PATRIZIA Annual General Meeting, our sponsors and friends met in Augsburg. Foundation founder Wolfgang Egger described to the guests what the anniversary means to him personally, and three interesting speakers pointed out milestones of the foundation in varied retrospects and outlooks.

Without our supporters and friends there would be no anniversary to celebrate! That’s why PATRIZIA organized the Pre-Opening PATRIZIA & Friends Night for them. About 40 guests received an exclusive insight into our project in Yaoundé, Cameroon.


News from the project of the PATRIZIA Foundation in Cameroon

Three speakers showed our joint commitment to the PATRIZIA School Yaondé from three interesting perspectives: Brother Bert as the representative of our partner organization Pallottiner in Cameroon, Sponsor Circle member and sponsoring partner Wolfgang Fratz from Sonntag & Partner and Foundation Board Member Andreas Menke as sponsor on behalf of PATRIZIA AG.

The special commitment of our Sponsor Circle member Sonntag & Partner made for an interesting topic of conversation for all guests – an example of how a company can integrate the sponsorship of a PATRIZIA KinderHaus facility into the own corporate social responsibility activities.

In the adjacent KKLUB, our sponsors and friends were invited to use the subsequent PATRIZIA Partners & Friends Night for networking or to simply relax in a pleasant atmosphere.